Students and Pupils are expected to observe all codes of behavior laid down by the School and to show care and consideration towards others. highly expensive toys, highly expensive  games, electronic gadgets and other harmful materials  are not allowed in school. In line with standard educational policy this School reserves the right of expulsion for serious acts of misdemeanor, in such cases school fees will not be refunded.

Successful education is greatly helped by support from all stakeholders and we look up to parents and guardians to share the responsibility of promoting learning that can be monitored closely. We also value informal approaches and will seek to respond quickly to problems or challenges perceived by parents on behalf of their children.

In fact Renics Schools operates an open door policy,  parents are welcomed to visit anytime and are encouraged to communicate with the School over matters concerning their children. The parents who are far away can communicate directly to the management through our confirmed and reliable Live Chat on our website.

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