I welcome you and your family to Renics Children  Schools.  Renics Schools are committed to providing complete and quality education with a view to turning out well-groomed scholars that will contribute immensely to our society. I believe you will find our community to be an open and friendly one, with a sincere desire for parents to take an active part in their children’s schooling. Please browse through this website as a starting point in the journey for the selection of an enabling environment that will best meet your child’s needs. The next step should include an appointment to have a school tour. This, I believe, is an important part of the school selection process. I believe our schools’ atmosphere will match your expectations for your child or ward’s education. It is most important that children are happy and engaged during their experience at Renics Children  Schools. At Renics Schools, we aim at providing our students with educational opportunities that will enable them to reach their full potential and achieve success academically, spiritually, socially and personally. Our curriculum is inclusive and developmental. Students are challenged to extend their skills and knowledge in a caring and supportive environment. The staff of Renics Children Schools are an enthusiastic and experienced team of people who are committed to excellence and to making a positive difference to student outcomes. We want our children to feel safe and happy. We want them to enjoy learning and achieve highly. We want them to develop positive social skills, healthy relationship values and a strong sense of themselves as individuals. Renics Schools is a friendly and dynamic community. There are opportunities for parental involvement. I hope that through your participation and interest you will come to feel very much a part of our school and its community.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Dr. Mrs. Adenike Adeagbo

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